
The F Word Captured 4th-Wave Feminist Art

Since its initial screening in 2015, Robert Adanto’s documentary The F Word has provided viewers with a snapshot of what radical, “4th-Wave” feminist artists were up to in a pre-Pussy Hat, pre-Trump Brooklyn. As noted New School Lecturer, Kristen Sollee, wrote The F Word was the first film to explore fourth-wave feminism; moreover, back in […]


My journey into self-care

In 2012, my life as I knew it changed forever when I became the caregiver to one of my parents. All of my goals, where I thought I was going came to a full stop when my mom’s health fell on my lap. I never expected that she’d have a stroke, but she didn’t take […]

Art art prints Artists Being community creative digital Photography showcase World

March 2019 updates

I’m very excited to share that you can now find my work online at two well-known sites for purchasing art prints: and Link to Art & Being on Imagekind: Link to Fine Art America: Also, I submitted three works to Contemporary Online Art Gallery’s 5th Annual “ALL Women” Online Art Competition […]

Art Artists community florida Media miami People Places showcase

RAW: Miami presents REFLECT 1/31/19

As 2018 comes to a close, I’m honored to announce something I’m very much looking forward to in the new year. On Jan 31st, I’ll be showcasing at RAW: Miami presents REFLECT. Please visit my Artist Profile page here to get tickets to the show. Pre-sale ends Jan 24.

Art Artists Being Film Media the body

Robert Adanto’s Born Just Now (2018) and the contested feminine being of Marta Jovanović

Robert Adanto is the director of the documentary film Born Just Now (2018), which profiles the Belgrade-based artist, Marta Jovanović. The work of female artists remains largely under-represented and underpaid in comparison to their male counterparts. That is the premise and raison d’être of Adanto’s 2015 film, The F Word, wherein he surveys a select […]

Being Human Rights

Announcement: New Project!

Now recruiting participants for #StandUp4HumanRights Participatory Video Art Project with Art & Being. This creative effort is inspired by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To participate, send an email to for more information, write #STANDUP4HUMANRIGHTS in the Subject line.  

Art Artists Being Film race

Three Films About Race Relations in the USA

**UPDATE: The latest edited version of this post can be found on Medium. 


The connection between self-care and self-expression

On Wednesday, 7/11/18, I, along with six other facilitators will be teaching how creative self-expression can be a form of self-care. This event will be hosted by Luminaire X in the Miami Design District. Seating is limited, RSVP is required. In other news, I recently launched a Facebook Page for Art & Being! I look forward to posting […]

Art Being quotes Wisdom

Creative work as play

Art creative independent Media sketches youth

Here’s what I’ve learned from keeping a sketchbook since the age of 10

Yes. I have been keeping a sketchbook (and journals) for a long time. And, while most artists do, you do not have to be an artist to give yourself a sketchbook and adopt it as your own creative practice. I have found that keeping a sketchbook has granted me the space to create in a […]